Monday, 30 January 2017

How Well Am I Recovering From The Crash?

Power figures from my Tacx trainer.
The first bar is before my crash, the second is afterwards.
Of course, I bought the trainer in the first place because I was having back problems,
so BOTH sets of figures are down on my "fit" state :-)
Also you can see various extimated typical power levels for athletes of various descriptions.

So there you have it.
A bit of "hard data", rather than just me saying this or that,
I did my first 60 minutes seeion since the crash earlier today.
A Hi-Lo session, with 60 seconds at about 200w, then a 4 minute recovery at about 90W, then repeat until six intervals have been done.

Bizarrely, this Hi-Lo caused my 60 minute power to actually be a tad higher than before the crash!

My arm was a bit sore at the end of the 60 minutes. I still can't take the weight properly with it, so I variously rest it on the bars and hold the elbow on the other side to take the weight of my arm off my shoulder.
And yet I still scored more on the 60 minute test than before my crash!

Progress indeed!

So, onwards and upwards!

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